Thursday, February 27, 2014

Racial Discrimination: How far have we come?

Despite some perceived improvements, 45 years brings little change in perceptions
that Blacks are discriminated against in some key aspects of life in America - and change
for the worse in others. photo: abhi ahmadadeen/BMLTV®

(PRN) NEW YORK, February 27, 2014 In the midst of Black History Month, it is perhaps an appropriate time to examine some of our nation's historical racial divides and reflect on changes that we as a country have seen over time. As far back as 1969 and 1972, The Harris Poll measured perceptions among U.S. adults as to whether blacks were discriminated against in a variety of areas of American life.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Moms Demand Action and Facebook in talks to stop the facilitation of gun sales to minors and dangerous people online

Pictured here is a weapon used to play games online by teens.
photo: Samir Kamble

Moms reveal gun sold via Facebook to 15-year-old who took gun to school
(PRN/USN) INDIANAPOLIS, February 24, 2014 - Moms Demand Action for Gun
Sense in America issued a statement today on the latest developments in its campaign to ask Facebook and Instagram to prohibit gun sales and trades on its platforms.

Monday, February 17, 2014

How well do football helmets protect players from concussions?

The Cincinnati Bearcats, UC Bearcats unveil red chrome helmet.
photo: cincinnati bearcats

(PRN/USN) PHILADELPHIA, February 17, 2014 - A new study finds that football helmets currently used on the field may do little to protect against hits to the side of the head, or rotational force, an often dangerous source of brain injury and encephalopathy. The study released today will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 66th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, April 26 to May 3, 2014.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Kenya makes bold moves to address climate change risks

Kenya: dead and dying animals in previous drought in Arbajahan, in northern Kenya’s 
Wajir County. photo: brendan cox/oxfam
(PRN) TUNIS-BELVEDERE,  February 15, 2014 - Many in East Africa still recall the devastating drought of 2009. In Kenya alone, it left nearly 80% of cattle dead in some parts of the country. Whether linked to the effects of global warming or not, this drought is estimated to have cost the Kenyan economy about US $12 billion. Its impact was most pronounced in the arid and semi-arid areas of the country.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Food desert task force takes aim at hunger in Virginia

According to a new report commissioned by the Virginia General Assembly, more than 1.4 million Virginians — 17.8 percent of the population — live in food deserts. photo: USDA 

(BMLTV) BLACKSBURG, Va., February 11, 2014 -  Agriculture is Virginia's No. 1 industry. But, ironically, for a state that produces an abundance of food, the commonwealth has its share of food deserts — areas where residents have limited access to fresh, healthy foods.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

International probe a must in Sri Lanka

SRI LANKA: Relief worker handing out food to those in need. photo: unhcr

PRN/USN) WASHINGTON, February 11, 2014 - United States Tamil Political Action Council (USTPAC) welcomes recent high level visits to Sri Lanka by Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Nisha Biswal and Ambassador-At-Large for Global Criminal Justice, Stephen Rapp, and their steadfast pursuit of accountability to the grave crimes committed against ethnic Tamils.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Breaking the cycle of youth unemployment, poverty

Young unemployed men play cards in an abandoned warehouse in Conakry (Sept 2013).
photo: tommy trenchard/irin©

(IRIN) DAKAR, February 10, 2014 - Youth unemployment and underemployment are among the main barriers to development in West Africa, say experts. Not only does the exclusion of young people from the labour force perpetuate generational cycles of poverty, it also breaks down social cohesion and can be associated with higher levels of crime and violence among idle youth.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The removel of dogs and cats by death at Sochi prior to the Olympics sparks heightened concern

Moscow: it is alledged that a band of intelligent dogs keep viciously attacking people.
courtesy image/becker

It's more than Sochi: Time to end overpopulation of dogs and cats, Becker College expert calls for positive change

(PRN/USN) WORCESTER, Mass., February 7, 2014 - The reported death sentence for thousands of stray dogs in Sochi, Russia, prior to the 2014 Winter Games, is just one example of a common practice worldwide, says Dr. Richard A. French, dean of the School of Animal Studies at Becker College.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Masco: Home Improvement Manufacture gives more than $1 million in support of Military Veterans

U.S. Navy Sailor seen handling flag during Submarine commissioning.
photo: abhi ahmadadeen/BMLTV©

(PRN) TAYLOR, Mich., February 6, 2014 - Masco Corporation (NYSE: MAS), one of the world's leading manufacturers of home improvement and building products, and its Foundation have partnered – through a combination of products and cash grants – to award over $1 million in support of its veteran initiative:  "America's Heroes: A Million Thanks".

Monday, February 3, 2014

Indonesian Volcano eruption displaces people and buries crops

Indonesia's Erupting Mount Sinabung. photo: dana spector

(IRIN) JAKARTA, February 3, 2014 -Thousands of people displaced by steadily falling ash from an active Mount Sinabung thought they would be able to return to their homes and resume their livelihoods, but those hopes have been dashed by a deadly eruption on 1 February.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

California Senate approves online Credit Card Privacy Bill

SB 383 addresses a state Supreme Court decision (Apple v. The Superior Court of Los Angeles ) which eliminated long-standing privacy rights for online credit card purchases of downloadable products. photo: wikipedia

(PRN/USN) SACRAMENTO, Calif., February 1, 2014 -Yesterday, California State Senate approved landmark online privacy legislation, SB 383 (Jackson), on a 21-13 vote. The Consumer Federation of California and United Food & Commercial Workers Union sponsored the bill.