Thursday, September 25, 2014

CLIMATE DEBATE GOING FORWARD?: An exciting and tumultuous time, fraught with inherent risk if we do not act boldly today, decisively in our Era

Code Pink activist at the Peoples Climate March New York City, September 20, 2014
photo: abhi ahmadadeen/BMLTV©

(BMLTV) NEW YORK CITY, September 24, 2014 - We live, work, and exist in an exciting, tumultuous time which poses many current and future risks and threats to our well-being, ability to thrive and prosper; and thus far we don't seem to have had the political will to mobilize an effective strategy against a great deal of these risks and threats to our society. In particular, most - nearly all - experts agree now that the largest threat to our current and future well-being as a species as well as the stability of the entire biosphere climate is in fact humanity's influence on climate change.