Monday, August 19, 2019

Thousands of “Be Bold Be Bald” Activists to stand in solidarity against cancer on October 18th

Graphic: PRNewsfoto/Finn Partners

(PRNEWS) BOSTON, August 19, 2019 - On October 18, 2019, thousands of people across the U.S. will show their support for those affected by cancer and raise money for cancer charities as a part of National Be Bold, Be Bald! Day. Founded in 2009, Be Bold, Be Bald! is a social movement where participating individuals rock a bald cap throughout the day and get others to sponsor them for their bold move.

Celebrating women in aid: 10 stories for World Humanitarian Day

African women seen pictured in the back of a pickup in celebration of their day, celebrating
women in aid. photo: ryan brown/UN Women

(NHNEWS) GENEVA. AUGUST 19, 2019 -Today marks the tenth World Humanitarian Day, and the UN’s emergency aid coordination body, OCHA, has made “women humanitarians” its focus.

The day will feature events in at least 16 countries and content releases including video profiles of 24 women humanitarians. But while women form a vital part of the humanitarian workforce, they continue to face sexual harassment and discrimination within humanitarian organizations, and are more vulnerable to gender-based violence while working in dangerous or fragile settings.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Half of Americans would take a job with no paid time off for a higher salary

Vacationers Rita Johnson and Claris Evylnn walk the coastal sands of Virginia Beach, taking advantage of their non-paid two week vacation from the Food Service industry.
photo: abhi ahmadadeen/BMLTV©

Meanwhile, one in three workers would give up some pay for unlimited vacation

(PRNEWS ) RICHMOND, VA., August , 2019 - Half (49 percent) of working Americans would accept a job with no vacation time if they were paid more, according to the 11th annual Vacation Confidence Index* released by Allianz Global Assistance. Millennials (63 percent, compared to 47 percent of Gen X'ers and 32 percent of Baby Boomers) and men (57 percent, versus 41 percent of women) are the most likely to sacrifice paid time off for higher salaries.